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Shrink-Sleeves Make Emotional Connections

December 18, 2023

According to expert research, full-body high-shrink-sleeve labels impact consumer preferences and purchasing behavior. Consumers make most brand decisions in-store, influenced by visually appealing product packaging. Shrink-sleeve labels on high-contour bottles create stronger emotional connections with consumers, influencing initial product trials and long-term sales. 

Despite the perceived higher cost of shrink-sleeve labels, their value is demonstrated by eliminating the need for additional packaging elements, such as tamper-evident seals, and the ability to create a compelling billboard effect with nearly 100% package coverage. 

At NDA, we work together with Traco Packaging to meet all of your custom printed shrink sleeve needs.


December 1, 2022

1. Create a list of expectations. How many loads per hour will you need?,Is compatibility with existing equipment important? Are parts and service available. Is it easy to use.

2. Determine if an operator will be necessary to control the machine other than changing the rolls of film and loading the pallet on the machine. Will a conveyor deliver and take away the pallets as they are wrapped? If so, will the machine keep up with the flow of the product?

3. Are loads suitable for rotation on a turntable or better suited for floor wrapping? What are the minimum and maximum heights of the loads?

4. How heavy is the product, and will it be stacked evenly or have random configurations? Does it need to be weighed?

5. Does the product need to be labeled or top sheeted? 

Note: this is a partial list of things to consider, but it can help narrow the potential list of equipment choices and guide meeting your expectations in the short and long term.

Our technical expertise comes from a deep understanding of wrappers of all makes, with over 1400 service calls per year.

We are here to help.

"You changed my life!"

July 5, 2022

Admittedly, this is not something we hear often, but it is precisely what one of our client's operators said to me the other day. While out on a service call, our tech discovered that our client's 5-year-old automatic wrapper was not operating automatically. Someone had to jump off the forklift whenever a pallet was wrapped and manually recenter the wrapping arm. This wrapper was designed to minimize operator time and automatically complete a wrap cycle. The operators had become so accustomed to this defect that they just accepted it. 

Our service tech immediately saw that the machine was not appropriately leveled when installed five years ago. This was the first PM. The customer had been planning to replace these machines. Upon further investigation, our service tech also found that the rollers were not gripping the film, and the tension loss allowed the film to pass through with too much slack. After the adjustment, their film consumption decreased so much that they could not even estimate when they would run out of film. They had no idea that so much film was being wasted. 

Now we are scheduled to conduct regular PMs on their wrappers. The customer is no longer considering purchasing new equipment since their existing equipment has been optimized beyond their expectations. 

At NDA, we constantly look for opportunities to make a difference with your existing equipment. We want to save you time and money with our expertise.  Who knows, maybe we can even change your life!

Automation in Manufacturing

October 26, 2021

Automation is only as good as its weakest link.  Understanding people is the key to understanding the process of automation. Engaging human experiences and observational skills are necessary in meeting human expectations.

According to McKinsey, “Demand for higher cognitive skills will grow, driven by the need for greater creativity and complex information processing.” Keeping people first in automation means building communication that works best as a cooperative environment where machines leave the thinking to people.

If machines were sentient maybe they would have imaginations, but until further notice they are simply tools to help ours.

Email us today to schedule a free consultation.

Be Prepared: Anything Can Happen

May 6, 2021

Being prepared is often in the details.  In today’s climate, it’s not enough to simply react when things start to go sour.  Real strategic planning is required in the packaging industry too.  

Our technicians know just what to look for and how to avoid costly breakdowns - before they happen. If I told you two years ago that a worldwide pandemic would have shifted the demand for packaging materials as we moved even more quickly to a home-based consumer culture, would you have believed me?

Or that a winter storm in Texas would drive a dramatic spike in packaging material costs?

Even more challenging are some of the situations we take for granted.

Packaging material waste can be difficult to identify and even more costly in the long run. Mechanical failure is often taken for granted. A broken part is assumed to be the cause but the real source of the failure is often related to how a machine has been calibrated to the packaging material that is using.  

Simply replacing the broken part is not enough if you want to gain real efficiency, improve performance and safety.

The solution is frequently found in the small details that most service teams don't have time to address or the specialized training to repair.  

Our service technicians do.

Email us today to schedule a free consultation.

Oil Resin Production Rates Still Behind

April 22, 2021

As reported in February, according to the Weekly Resin Report of Plastics Today,  prime oil resin supplies remain in short supply through March and April.  The North American resin industry has lost more than 10% of the year’s production according to a report by the Plastics Exchange.

If you have been considering how this effects your business, we can help.  

Now is the time to new material-saving strategies to reduce consumption, with attention toward our environment and your bottom line.

What does Elon Musk know about packaging?

March 10, 2021

Love him or hate him, Elon Musk knows how to run a company. When he founded Space-X, he set out to make space exploration affordable by cutting waste; in this case, single use rockets.

Elon’s advice:

"Don't delude yourself into thinking something is working when it's not, or you're gonna get fixated on a bad solution."

This is not only true in rocket science. Soaring packaging costs continue to accelerate losses that don't show up on the radar when equipment appears to be working, but it's not.

How do you know if you are getting the most out of your packaging equipment and using the right materials for the job?

Our highly skilled technicians can diagnose and calibrate your equipment. Using the latest techniques and materials to significantly lower packaging costs; saving you time, money, and stress.

Rising Cost of Shrink Film

February 10, 2021

You’ve probably heard that we are facing an unprecedented rise in material costs for plastic production.

As a result, since last November, we have been seeing a 5-7% price increase, month-to-month, on most plastic-based packaging products. This trend is projected to continue for the foreseeable future.